Physical Therapy for Osteoporosis

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Mobile Rehab provides in-home, outpatient Physical Therapy for seniors.



Covered by insurance

Locally owned and operated in North Carolina since 2004

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that results in reduced bone density and increased risk of fractures. It occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both. Bones become weak and fragile, making them more prone to fractures, especially in the hip, spine, and wrist.

Osteoporosis can develop silently over many years, with no symptoms or pain until a fracture occurs. It is more common in older adults, especially women after menopause. Other risk factors for osteoporosis include low body weight, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, a family history of osteoporosis, certain medications (such as corticosteroids), and medical conditions that affect bone density.

Prevention of osteoporosis includes a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, regular weight-bearing exercise, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake, and taking medications as prescribed by a doctor. Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent further bone loss and fractures.

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

In the early stages, osteoporosis may not have any noticeable symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. Bone pain and tenderness: The affected bones may become painful, especially when under stress or when touched.

  2. Loss of height: Osteoporosis can cause a person to lose height as the bones in the spine become compressed or collapse.

  3. Back pain: Compression fractures in the spine can lead to back pain, which can be severe and chronic.

  4. Fractures: Osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures, particularly in the hip, spine, and wrist.

  5. Stooped posture: Osteoporosis can cause the spine to curve forward, leading to a stooped posture.

If you experience any of these symptoms or have risk factors for osteoporosis, you should talk to your healthcare provider to determine if you need a bone density test or other diagnostic tests. Early detection and treatment can help prevent further bone loss and fractures.

Source: Mayo Clinic

What causes osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis occurs when the body loses too much bone or makes too little bone, or a combination of both. There are several factors that can contribute to the development of osteoporosis, including:

  1. Age: Bone density naturally decreases as a person ages, and bones become weaker and more prone to fractures.

  2. Gender: Women are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men, especially after menopause when estrogen levels decrease, leading to bone loss.

  3. Family history: A family history of osteoporosis can increase the risk of developing the condition.

  4. Low calcium and vitamin D intake: A diet low in calcium and vitamin D can lead to weak bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

  5. Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of physical activity can lead to bone loss and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

  6. Smoking: Smoking can increase the rate of bone loss and decrease bone density.

  7. Excessive alcohol consumption: Heavy alcohol consumption can interfere with the body's ability to absorb calcium and affect bone health.

  8. Certain medications: Long-term use of certain medications such as corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, and thyroid hormone can increase the risk of osteoporosis.

  9. Medical conditions: Medical conditions that affect hormone levels, such as hyperthyroidism, can lead to bone loss and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Understanding the risk factors and taking steps to prevent bone loss through lifestyle modifications and medications can help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

How can physical therapy help with osteoporosis?

Physical therapy can play an important role in managing osteoporosis. A physical therapist can design a personalized exercise program to help improve bone density, balance, flexibility, and overall strength. Here are some ways physical therapy can help with osteoporosis:

  1. Strength training: Weight-bearing exercises and resistance training can help strengthen the bones and reduce the risk of fractures. A physical therapist can recommend specific exercises that are safe and effective for people with osteoporosis.

  2. Balance training: Falls are a common cause of fractures in people with osteoporosis. A physical therapist can design balance exercises to improve stability and reduce the risk of falls.

  3. Flexibility training: Range-of-motion exercises can help improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

  4. Posture training: Poor posture can increase the risk of fractures in people with osteoporosis. A physical therapist can teach proper alignment and posture to reduce the risk of fractures.

  5. Pain management: Osteoporosis-related pain can be managed with physical therapy techniques such as manual therapy, massage, and stretching.

  6. Education: A physical therapist can provide education on lifestyle modifications, such as nutrition and safe movement practices, to help manage osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures.

It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any exercise program. A physical therapist can work with a healthcare provider to develop a safe and effective treatment plan for managing osteoporosis.

Frequently asked questions

Patients trust Mobile Rehab

The physical therapist came to our house and carefully reviewed our case. He designed therapies and strategies that have worked well for us. For example, my husband could not get off the floor by himself and I could not lift him when he fell. Together we learned techniques to cope with this situation in our home. Joshua designed fun and effective exercises to improve strength and flexibility. My husband can now get in and out of chairs and cars without help and walks more easily. Since we used equipment in and around the home, my husband can remember and apply what he has learned. Mobile Rehab accepted our insurance and worked out approval to provide services. We did not need a referral from our doctor. My husband and I highly recommend Mobile Rehab if you or a loved one needs physical therapy.Jerry from Pittsboro
I wanted to tell you how much better I think Mom is since starting your PT. She has been less off balance, quicker to equilibrate to standing, and has had more stamina. I also think she is less depressed and feels more accomplished. Josh has been prompt and polite, as well as engaging in conversation to make Mom feel at ease. Thank you!Karen Pool - Google Review
In my many years of experience with PT for a variety of injuries, I have never worked with a therapist as knowledgeable, energetic, patient, and committed to my recovery and health as Celeste. She is interested in the cause of the problem and finding solutions, rather than only dealing with superficial symptoms. The manual work she does always leaves me feeling better and the exercises/stretches she has taught me target exactly where the problems lie. I can tell that I’m noticeably stronger and more flexible because of them. Anyone who gets to work with Celeste is lucky indeed! Judy R - 72 years young 😉
Both my husband and I are working with Amy, a PT for Mobile Rehab. She has been helping me after knee replacement surgery, and is working with my husband with balance, strengthening and walking. She is a gem! She is enthusiastic, engaging, and always positive. I would gladly recommend Amy and Mobile Rehab to anyone who needs physical therapy!Mona Harrison - Google Review
Oh my goodness, I cannot say enough good things about my therapist, Jennifer. After having a complete shoulder replacement and being discharged by my doctor, he recommended that I could still need therapy to help get me back to “normal”. My friend in Asheville recommended Jennifer to me. I set up an appointment and Jen showed up, right on time, at my apartment with her folding table in tow. She was so knowledgeable about how my shoulder worked, the muscles, tendons and the rotator cuff. After working on the painful spots I complained about, she set up a plan to work out the stiffness and soreness. Now, after 2 visits per week for four weeks, I feel like a new woman. At her last visit, she gave me the coping skills I needed to keep my shoulder in good shape. I am so impressed with her work that I recommend her highly as my most favored therapist.Jane Cumby - Google Review
Deb's professional manner is greatly appreciated as she continues to help me maintain my mobility with a variety of exercises and movements. Her positive attitude during my sessions gives me a sense of well-being.Nancy C. - Google Review
Erin Rankin and Cheryl Reid are skilled physical therapists. As a Parkinson's patient, I have benefited greatly from their expertise. I feel that by keeping my muscles stretched, I have contributed to my current state of mobility. If they are going to be a few minutes late, they are thoughtful and considerate by sending a text to me. When scheduling appointments, efforts are made to accommodate my specific timing needs. Due to the longevity of our relationships, levels of trust have been built. Their pleasant personalities add to the care they give. I look forward to seeing them each week. Nancy C - Google Review
note from patient
The therapist from Mobile Rehab has been fantastic and very helpful to me. She clearly is the best PT I have ever had.Laureen F of Chapel Hill
Each time a PT moves on we think no one could be as good and them amazingly they seem to be even better. Have used for years and always with great satisfactionSue Clark - Google Review
I have been so impressed with Mobile Rehab. I've been working with Lacey K. DPT. post-op for a knee replacement. She is extremely professional, answers all of my questions and it seems not to bother her if I ask the same question again! She works me hard and that's what I need. She'll tell me either I'm doing it right or will correct me in a very calm and pleasant manner. Lacey explains everything I'm doing and why. I can't say enough good things about Mobile Rehab especially Lacey!Mary Beth Bryman - Google Review

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$0 per visit

Many Medicare plans with a supplement policy will cover all of our fees.

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Same as a clinic

Pay the same copay as if you went to a clinic for therapy. We accept many major insurances and will verify your benefits before starting.

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  • Contact Us by Phone, Email, or Fax

    We’ll help you check your insurance benefits. You do not need to be homebound and you should not be currently receiving any other physical therapy or skilled nursing services in the home.

  • Schedule an Evaluation

    We will match you with a therapist and have them contact you to plan a date, time and location that works best for you.

  • It’s That Easy!

    We make it simple to get the care you need… and exceed your expectations while doing so.



Mobile Rehab in home physical therapy

Fall Prevention

We provide research-based, individualized fall prevention interventions that have been shown to greatly reduce your risk of falling and injuries, including the OTAGO fall prevention program.

Click here to
learn more about OTAGO

Mobile Rehab in home physical therapy

General Rehab

Avoid driving to a clinic and get the individualized care you deserve. We work with many conditions ranging from post-stroke, Parkinson’s, vertigo to rotator cuff dysfunction and much more. Contact us for details.

Mobile Rehab in home physical therapy

After Home Health

We can improve care continuity by providing in home therapy even after you have been discharged by a Home Health agency. Avoid the hassle of driving and continue to make progress towards your goals.

Mobile Rehab in home physical therapy

Strength and Conditioning

We can help you improve your strength, mobility, range of motion, or any other functional limitations that impair your daily activity.

Mobile Rehab in home physical therapy

Pain Relief

We develop individualized care plans to help manage your aches and pains through exercise and hands-on techniques.