Since Mobile Rehab provides in-home physical therapy, it can be easy to confuse it with Home Health. However, the two are very different.

Apples and oranges really are different.
What is In-Home Physical Therapy?
Mobile Rehab provides in-home out-patient physical therapy covered under Medicare Part B (and many other insurances). We bill based on 15 minute units and get paid the same as an out-patient clinic. We allot approximately one hour per patient visit. We can provide hands on care, exercise based therapy, home safety evaluations, and functional exercise activities. Our goal is to help the patient achieve their maximum rehab potential. Patients are generally not home-bound, but prefer to be seen at home for convenience, to avoid the hassle of transportation to a clinic, or for privacy… or because we simply have excellent therapists who know their stuff and really care about helping the patient get better.
The goal of Mobile Rehab is to help community dwelling seniors stay active, independent and safe in their homes. We help seniors who are starting to have falls or balance issues to improve their strength and balance before they are forced to leave their home setting due to loss of mobility or injury. We can provide better outcomes than a clinic by removing the hassle of transportation, having a direct view of the patient’s day-to-day struggles in their home setting, and taking the time to provide individualized one-on-one therapy.
What is Home Health Physical Therapy?
Home Health also provides in-home therapy, but is covered under Medicare Part A. Patients MUST be home-bound. Home Health receives a flat rate per visit and must spend at least 30 minutes with the patient. As a result, many Home Health therapists spend the minimum 30 minutes with the patient (often including documentation during the visit). Their goal is to help the patient not be home-bound so that they can continue their therapy at an out-patient clinic. For more seriously impaired patients, their goal may be to simply help the patient get back to their prior level of function in their home.
Home Health is better suited for truly home-bound patients for short term therapy. Mobile Rehab is able to continue therapy after patients have been discharged from Home Health, however.

Learn about In-Home Physical Therapy covered by insurance.